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  1. Olivia Smart says:

    Thank you for explaining that if the pump is still running but isn’t producing a lot of water, then the impellers inside the pump have worn down. My daughter was saying that there’s really low pressure at her new home and I know that she has her water hooked up to a well. I wonder if this could be her issue, but I’ll pass it on to her just in case so that she can start checking it out and see if someone can come and help her get it fixed soon.

  2. Steve Smith says:

    I found it interesting when you said that implementing a simple solution could help prevent major pump problems. My friend informed me a couple of days ago that they were planning for a new well pump installed on their farm for an updated pump system. He asked if I had thoughts on the best option to consider. I appreciate this instructive article, I’ll tell him it will be much better if they consult a trusted well pump service as they can help with the proper installation.

  3. Have a new pump, new pressure tank, new switch. We are getting water from the pump as it is rated for. We are not seeing pressure building on the new pressure Guage. We are puzzled. What could be wrong?

    1. Andrew Miles says:

      First, double-check that the gauge itself isn’t faulty; sometimes new gauges can be defective. Make sure all the new components are installed correctly and that all valves are in the right position. Trapped air in the system or even a minor leak in the connecting pipes could also be the culprits, preventing pressure from building up.

  4. Hi Andrew and thank you for taking the time to write up this guide, we have found it very informative.
    We currently have a problem with out well pump in that it is making these hammering nosies, Upon close inspection we found the pressure switch to be short cycling and found a faucet to be running but after we shut off the faucet and the pressure switch stopped but the noise later continued. My colleague seems to think its a fault in the pressure containment system causing the well pump to engage and disengage (hammering noise)/short cycling. I am trying to assess the cost of this repair–will you be willing to share what you would do in this scenario?
    thank you in advance.

    1. Andrew Miles says:

      In my experience dealing with well pump issues, the first thing you’ll want to do is identify what exactly is going wrong. I’d start by looking at the pressure switch—see if it’s short-cycling. Trust me, a faulty switch can wreak havoc on your whole system. Then check your pressure tank; it could be waterlogged or maybe it’s lost its air charge. Don’t forget to listen to your pump motor and look over the piping for any signs of leaks or other issues. Once you have a good handle on what the problem might be, you can start considering the costs involved.

      Now, let’s talk money. Based on what I’ve seen, a new pressure switch will set you back around $20-$50, not counting labor. If it turns out that your pressure tank needs replacing, you’re looking at anywhere from $200 to $1,000, and that’s just for the tank itself. Pump motor issues? Those can be a real wallet-drainer, with costs ranging from $300 to $1,200 depending on the type of pump. Labor usually goes for $50-$100 an hour, so keep that in mind. And don’t forget, you might also have to replace some pipes, connectors, or control units, so add a bit more to your budget for those incidentals.

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