Please read on how we provide trustworthy, accessible, and accurate information on all of the water information we provide here.
At WaterFilterCast, we have committed to providing you with trustworthy, accessible, and accurate information so that you have all the info you need in one place so that you can make the best decision for yourself and your family. We have a vast network of industry experts and contacts that we connect with when doing our research and reviews to give you the best possible information available.
Our researchers gather and then create posts around topics and then hand it off to our writers that format it all, and then it gets handed to our expert/editor who facts checks the info and backs it with expert resources. We believe that creating these mileposts achieves 4 crucial points.
- First, we believe in earning your trust and maintaining it
- Point 1 keeps us striving for high journalistic standards
- Which then naturally leads to accuracy and truth in reporting
- Finally, keep up to date with the info as things change.
Product Selection Process
Here is our process for selecting products and services to recommend to our readers.
The Team Does The Research In House
Everyone that writes for WaterFilterCast must be an expert in their field. In our case, all of our writers in active in the water filter/water softener field or is a plumber. Since most experts in this field are not expert writers, what we do is bring in people who specialize in writing for a blog audience using the advice and feedback given by our water experts.
For selected products that we recommend throughout the site, our writers will base reviews and recommendations on a few factors:
- cost of the product from a few trusted online sources
- quality of the product based on first-hand experience as well as feedback from actual users
- accessibility of the items across North America
- customer reviews from multiple sources
The overall goal is to create reviews on products and services that are balanced and objective (no favoritism for paid reviews), and to clearly point out the pros and cons of the products we include so that you can quickly and easily decide if it is the best for you.
Reporting With Integrity
While there could be easy reasons as to why we would recommend one product over the other, we’re dedicated to bringing you the fairest and most balanced look at all items we have listed on our site.
For all of the outbound links we have on the site, you can rest assured that we have verified the pages and products that we are linking to as trustworthy. We only link to products, services, and tools that we feel provide value to our readers.
Some of the links you click will earn us a commission if you buy something from the vendor. This is how we stay motivated to bring you the best information on all water cleaning topics.
At WaterFilterCast, you are our top priority, this is the reason we got together to create this site in addition to creating an outlet where we can share our years of expertise. Our mission is to be your first and hopefully final ally in your journey to generating clean water for yourself and your family. The editorial process we created ensures that we can provide you with the most accurate, relevant, and accessible content possible.
We’re are always working hard to continually improve, so we want to hear from you if you found something that doesn’t seem right or if you have suggestions on what we can do better.